We recently made some much needed changes to 2 of our designs.
"Go Ninja!" has been restyled for the 2007 buying season. The text has been replaced with a more Asian-styled font and our Ninja now bursts into the scene wielding two deadly blades to dispatch his enemies with ease. For those of you who prefer the original 2005 design it will still be available in our
Retiring Soon section until the end of the year.

314 In Progress" was originally released back in July and we’ve tried out several different renditions in the few short weeks of its existence but have finally settled on this latest redesign. Originally it had a graphic of a naked man running from the text as if it was a squad car, but in print the streaker failed to satisfy our QC team. He has been replaced with the much sexier silhouette of a woman coyly discarding her top, lit only by the red light of the squad car. I think we can all agree that regardless the gender of the wearer, a naked lady is always more appealing than a naked man.